Sunday, September 6, 2009

Message to Family and Friends from first journal entries...

Hello All,

Just a quick update on the European charade...the blog will be developed once we settle down in Spain.  I believe I told most of you about New York, however for those I did short:

New York: 
-We swept the city in basically two days, did not pay for one taxi (met a woman on the plane who expensed our cab to her company...then used the metro for everything else.
-Nick's (my co-traveler) aunt Amanda literally gave us her small apartment for the three nights and stayed elsewhere (we treated her to authentic Dim-Sum in Chinatown to show our thanks for her kindness...and yes mom, the same one we went to a few months back)
-A friend of ours Charlotte moved to the Soho district for workafter graduating Santa Barbara, so we got in contact and she took us on a very eventfull night on the town with some of her friends (got us free tables and bottles at two separate popular clubs, thank you Charlotte).
-On the way out we were quite late to the JFK aiport for our international flight because we overestimated the timeliness of the we arrived 45 minutes til as opposed to two hours, and how were we rewarded?...UPGRADED PREMIUM SEATS were all the airlines had left (ironic in the Alanis Morrissette type of way). 

-London Eye, Tate Modern, Buckingham Palace, London Tower, Changing of the guards, Covent Gardens, Oxford Circus, Big Ben, stayed in a great hostel in a cute village named Camden Town (equivalent of the Venice Beach of London if I could relate anything to the US and A), and much much more that I will elaborate on further in the blog.


-Took EasyJet from London to Geneva scheduled to land at 10:15, giving us a comfortable amount of time to make our train to Interlaken at 12:30...however the plane took off and landed an hour and a half late at 11:45, so we figured we'd still be fine considering the train station is right next to the airport...that is unless we had to go through something like claim lost baggage...yep, they lost Nick's in order to make our train we left his name, number, and email and left...hoping to receive it at Geneva Aiport when we return to head for Paris.
-Arrived at Interloken, an amazing little quaint village squeezed between two lakes in Mid-Switzerland, and made our way to our hostel Balmers Herberge (rated one of the top hostels in the world, and has the only bar in Interloken (great selling point)).
-Today we went Canyoning,, go and check out videos on canyoning Chili Schliere (poppa, do not show bubby this...seriously)...I have done some gnarly things in my life, but this was by far the most unreal and adventurous things I have ever done.  It is illegal in the states, and it is obvious why...I am talking jumping from 45 foot cliff jumps into a gap about 4 feet wide, and repelling from waterfalls....OH MY GOD.

Hope this description of the trip thus far will suffice...Also, forgot to mention that we have met plenty of people from all over the world already.  It has been very interesting to see and learn the different slang, accent, culture, etc. etc.
- Scotty from Melvin Australia
- Bryntal Case from Dublin, Ireland (cheeky bastard)
- Randon English Homeless guy: "Well hello dawling!"
- Woman from Germany
- and more.



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