Sunday, September 13, 2009

Familiar Faces in Foreign Places

En route to study in England...schoolmates and friends Matt McLaughlin and Justin Kassan have graced us with their presence. Despite the rain we were able to enjoy an eventful day by first introducing to them our neighborhood of the Sagrada Familia, then indulging in some Spanish snacks (most notably Patatas Bravas), and continuing with a futbol battle in a nearby park (probably looked like an FC Barce Club practice, its just how we do). They then went out while I let the rest of the evening borrow my time for the sojourners lay fast asleep in front of me as I write this post...not in any weird way ya freaks (exercise, chupitas, cervesas, and jet-lag prove a good recipe for exhaustion). Well, glad to have them here and I am excited to show them the city that I am still getting accustomed to.

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