Thursday, September 10, 2009

Few things that I have noticed..

- We display our affection to family and friends much differently...For instance, a greeting or saluda is comprised of a few kisses and hugs, and even some men holds hands around town...similar to some men we saw in Africa and Dubai.
- They do not display a certain pride for their Spanish country as a whole, the Catalans or Barcelona people consider themselves separated form the country of Spain...very dissimilar from the states in my opinion, or perhaps I am just bias from being born and raised in Cali, however I doubt this. 
- We eat a lot more...however our food has more flavor.
- We use a lot more cussing in regular conversation than the Catalan people.
- We do indeed over-consume energy, no household i have seen yet has a dryer for clothing.
- We have an obsession with stardom and entertainment that the Spanish have not yet expressed.
- LA sucks in the area of transportation...really effin sucks.
- They have a very arcane style: many women have neon colored die in the hair, and the majority of Catalans I have seen have either numerous piercings or tattoos...maybe i should get a few, what do you think Dad/Bubby?

Thats a little.


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