Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Barcelona Arrival

Now have been officially living in Barcelona for about a week.  Upon arrival we were acquainted with our advisor and sent from the aiport to a hotel for the first two nights of stay.
- Got settled.
- Met up with our new roommates Bryce and Sam from Maryland...(awesome guys and we all get along very very well).
- Did orientation the next day and met a bunch of new people from all over the states...partied that night with our "friends that are girls" from Santa Barbara and got introduced to their roommates...who just so happen to know plenty of the same people that i know from back in LA...then we continued to rant on how small the world really is.
- Were eventually taken to our apartment in the center of the Sagrada Familia...which is a neighborhood surrounding Gaudi's most famous creation...and if you dont know well now you know:
- The apartment is amazing, contemporary, great balcony, etc etc...however for some reason Mason and I were assigned to the double and were shafted with beds half the size of everyone elses...less shelving space, and a same sized room as all the singles...so at this point we feel a little jipped...but whateva.
- Met a spanish women and fell in love!  no just kidding, but did meet one...giggity.
- Was supposed to have recieved my box with the rest of my clothes, laptop, backpack, etc etc, however DHL messed up and I literally just recieved all of my stuff...which means that I have been living on all of the stuff that I have been backpacking with the three weeks...Que Finalmente! 
- I still need a phone really badly...effinay.
- Started school and dig most of my classes:  Intercultural Psychology, International Business, International Marketing, Intermediate Spanish dos, and Photography...may drop one but we shall see.
- Getting around fine by now, know the metro system pretty damn well for only 5 days of living here.
- Went to the beach with everybody after doing some grocery shopping...and later made a delicious dinner for five of our girlfriends. After we all killed a bottle of vodka that they had brought as a gift, played games, and listened to good jams...specifically the Fleet Foxes and Beach Boys (round round get around I get around!)...After we went to a few bars, most notably the Icebar which is made completely out of ice and you must wear a parka and gloves upon entering...cool yet not something you can do for over an hour, especially if you are girl in heels and a dress.
...this place is so dreamy.

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