Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Good Homesick...

Is homesickness the same as wishing that parts of home were with you?
Funny...going back to Santa Barbara for school never really caused feelings of homesickness.  Perhaps it was the idea of knowing how close home is, that convenience factor, which made it easy to cope with leaving all of your friends and family for the new school-year (not that I ever took much advantage of the short trek). Being on the other side of the world sort of puts visiting home for the weekend out of the question, that is unless you are Richard Branson or have figured out the impossibility of teleportation. Don't get me wrong, loss of convenience is a small price to pay for such an experience...and I am more than capable of dealing with such a minor and normal disposition....simply thought I would throw the feeling out there in the name of Los Angeles/California and all the god damn great people/places it occupies. it...its because now I had to leave both Santa Barbara and LA behind, the double whammy is new to me...  Glad to be able to call these two paradises home... and to now be in the process of adding a third.  This city is alive and I wish all of the people i care for could feel its pulse, or maybe its just the metro lines vibrating underneath our apartment building... either way, it feels nice.

Relevant tunes:
Wish you were here:  Pink Floyd or Incubus

1 comment:

  1. home IS with you, everywhere you go.
    enjoy yourself buddy, we all miss ya

