Tuesday, September 8, 2009

As for the rest of Interlaken and Paris...


-Happened to be there during their annual Festival Switzerland and decided not to see the show because not only was it quite expensive, but in German. However we did shoot Crossbow's and eat Swiss chocolate and hot dogs. Was a blast.

-Went to the hostel known as Funny Farm because we had heard that they had a dope slide...indeed! We have video of us doing multiple flips off of a 60 foot high slide that was originally meant for BMX bike jumps...I will attempt to get the videos up. But I busted my nose on the last jump and thought I had broken it...still have a scab. HAHHA.

-What an amazing place. I can remember our approach for landing and how I could see the sparkling Eiffel Tower through my window, Que Bonita!
-Mason's grandparents were kind enough to put us up in a luxury hotel room in the district known as Beaux Artes. We were treated to breakfast in bed and more.
-Swept this city as well: La Louvre and saw awesome art...most notably the tiny yet dazzling Mona Lisa. The gardens, the Cathedral de Notre Dame, hopped on a double decker and took an audio tour (however the rain forced us onto the sheltered level).
-Nick and I got in a few tiffs, because he is stubborn. But I am very calm and merciful so luckily we were able to get over it. He also made us a little late for the flight, I will let him describe if he feels it necessary.
-We were unable to indulge in the night scene because we were there on a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...but no biggie.
-I did not notice the stereotype that French people are rude...I found most of them to be delightful.
-Thank you Mason's grandparents...very much.

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